I'm feeling more and more like there's no way John McCain can beat Barak Obama. Last night at the Democratic National Convention, Obama spoke to a crowd of 80,000 people at Invesco Field in Denver, CO. It was electric. I certainly don't agree with Obama on a litany of issues, but he is the single most gifted politician I have ever witnessed. The man can deliver a speech. He is a force like none other in the political realm, and it's hard for me to see how anyone can knock this guy off course.
McCain, in an interesting move, has asked a woman named Sara Palin to be his Vice President. I like Palin, at least what I know of her. I like that McCain picked her. I love it that she decided to keep her Downs Syndrome child instead of abort him. I like knowing that the Vice President can relate to what it's like to have a special needs child. I really like this pick. But...
...It will not be enough. Obama is just too polished... too genunie... too good at being extremely like-able to be unseated. McCain has taken a huge risk on this one, and I genuinely hope it pans out. As much as I respect Obama's talents and intellect, I simply can't vote for him because of some of his radical views (particularly on the military and abortion). I actually like Obama more than McCain, but I think McCain and Palin will be better for the country.
Lord help us as we wade through this fascinating political season!
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